Two-division world champion Teofimo Lopez has once again caught the attention of the sporting world. Fresh from his victory over Steve Claggett, Lopez has surprised fans and critics alike by calling out both Flyweight champion Pitbull Cruz and welterweight phenomenon Terence Crawford for his future bouts.

Never one to back down from a challenge, Lopez is known for his audacious antics outside the ring. However, his recent call-outs have generated equal parts anticipation and debate within the boxing community, due to the potential power-shift they could ignite in the boxing world.

“I’m ready for the big guns. Pitbull Cruz, Terence Crawford – I want them next,” Lopez boldly declared in his post-victory interview. This came after his crushing defeat of Claggett, a fight in which the 24-year-old extended his professional record to 16 wins with 12 knockouts.

The audacious move of challenging Cruz and Crawford simultaneously might seem outrageous considering their formidable careers, but for those who have watched Lopez’s meteoric rise, it doesn’t seem far-fetched.

Pitbull Cruz, a force to be reckoned with, has consistently delivered knockout performances throughout his career. His aggression, coupled with notorious strategic fighting style, could make him a challenging opponent for Lopez. However, the American’s speed and finesse may prove an interesting counter to Cruz’s techniques.

On the other hand, Terence Crawford, with a reputation for his technical prowess and a perfect record, could offer a much different challenge. Crawford, a natural switch-hitter, offers unique challenges in terms of unpredictability, forcing opponents to constantly adjust in the ring.

Lopez’s potential duels with Cruz and Crawford have sports pundits and fans divided. The consensus, however seems to be an excitement irrespective of the outcomes. Some argue that Lopez’s power and speed give him an edge over the two adversaries, while others believe a raw Lopez might find it difficult to contain and outbox the experienced duo.

“It’s audacious, it’s bold, but it’s Teofimo,” opined ESPN boxing analyst Max Kellerman. “Lopez has made a career out of defying expectations, and should he pull this off, it could well set a precedent for the way fighters challenge themselves in the future.”

Lopez’s willingness to take on two of the sport’s top names, no doubt, demonstrates his fearless approach and ambition to be one of the sport’s greats. Regardless of the results, however, his audacity alone could inject a new era of competitive vigour into the sport, leading other boxers to contemplate similar sweeping call-outs to cement their own legacy.

Moving forward, the ball is firmly in the courts of Cruz and Crawford. The former is known for never backing off from a fight, while the latter remains unbeaten and may view this as another opportunity to prove his dominance. The question now is not only whether they will accept the challenge thrown by Lopez, but also whether they can withhold the potential storm that the audacious American could unleash in the ring.

The world of boxing awaits the decision of Cruz and Crawford and one thing is clear: Lopez, through his call-outs, has ensured that the spotlight will remain firmly on him.